Bulgarian attacks (split squats) technique of execution
Bulgarian attacks or Bulgarian squats (hereinafter referred to as BV) is an exercise without which…

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Maya Plisetskaya
Maya Plisetskaya is a legendary ballerina whose grace is still fascinating. Her main secret of…

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Yoga - a cure for many diseases!
The first mentions of yoga in Indian culture appeared a long time ago, this science…


Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.
How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly…


Interesting facts about bowling
Varieties of modern bowling first appeared several centuries ago. One of the most ancient premises…

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were engaged


Morning exercise is a series of physical exercises that need to be performed immediately after sleep. Such a charge is characterized by an average degree of stress and covers almost the entire musculature of a person.

The purpose of the exercises is to raise the overall tone of the body, to improve all the processes of vital activity. Charging helps to smoothly move from rest after sleep to normal working condition.

Morning exercise has many advantages. It improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolism, develops muscles, improves posture, improves mood. Continue reading

Pole dance (pole)

Pole dance (or pole dance) is a type of fitness that includes acrobatic and choreographic elements performed with a pole. By the way, a horizontal pole was used before, but as soon as it was placed in an upright position, the popularity of pole dancing increased dramatically.

There are many directions, each of which focuses on the individual components of the dance – performance, physical data, costume, musicality (transfer of mood of the composition), complexity of stunt elements, etc. Elements for performance at different heights are also divided. In the upper level of the pylon (from 2 m and above) – usually demonstrate acrobatic stunts. Continue reading

Wushu – sport and gymnastics.

One of the most ancient martial arts – wushu, will not only teach you to defend, but also quickly restore physical and psychological balance after injuries. And the best fight in wushu is the one that escaped.

Ancient Oriental martial arts have been forming for a long time. Their elements changed with the development of civilization, so they became not only a set of physical methods, but also part of the culture of the people. Wushu emerged before the emergence of Chinese statehood, at first it was a “military craft” (II century). Continue reading

Bobsleigh is one of the winter Olympic (since 1924) sports, the aim of which is…


Synchronized swimming
In synchronized swimming, Russian athletes are always at their best. Even at the Olympics in…


Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…
