Yoga - a cure for many diseases!
The first mentions of yoga in Indian culture appeared a long time ago, this science…

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How to learn to play football
They say about football "the king of sports", "the game of millions", someone claims that…

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School of sports and combat sambo
Sambo (“Self-Defense without Protection”), like some other types of wrestling, was developed in the USSR.…


Bulgarian attacks (split squats) technique of execution
Bulgarian attacks or Bulgarian squats (hereinafter referred to as BV) is an exercise without which…


Yesterday, fitball or ball exercises were perceived as exotic, and today it has become one…

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few sets


Morning exercise is a series of physical exercises that need to be performed immediately after sleep. Such a charge is characterized by an average degree of stress and covers almost the entire musculature of a person.

The purpose of the exercises is to raise the overall tone of the body, to improve all the processes of vital activity. Charging helps to smoothly move from rest after sleep to normal working condition.

Morning exercise has many advantages. It improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolism, develops muscles, improves posture, improves mood. Continue reading


It is no secret that before the title of the most favorite game of the country to domestic basketball still walk and walk. Unlike, for example, the United States, where basketball games attract millions of men and women of all ages, we are at the very beginning of this journey. However, to achieve such a result is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Basketball promotion: arguments FOR

Today, many skeptics not only doubt that the popularization of the game of basketball in our country can be effective, but they also do not see expediency in the development of this sports movement: they say, there is more than enough football. Continue reading


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of “lying on the couch” at the TV lazy. And this is the right decision, because an active life position not only helps a person to see the world in all its colors, but also strengthens health, helps to prolong and improve the quality of life. Sports will help you to gain perfect physical form, strengthen immunity, look at life in a new way and achieve success in life, because physical activity develops stamina and strength of mind in a person. Therefore, if you want to start playing sports, you need to consider many options and choose the most suitable one for you.

Fitness and gym Continue reading