"Omsk Hawks" on New Year's Eve twice beat the house "Reactor"
On December 29-30, the Avangard youth team played on the home ice in the children's…

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90% of people love swimming, and the desire to be in great shape is surely…

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Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


Bodybuilding and Aerobic
The popular opinion is that the combination of these disciplines will only aggravate the results…


“In aikido, we don’t rely on weapons or brute force to achieve a goal, instead…

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take top places

Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.

How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly than the other, and the clothes are funny, and they writhe wonderfully, and scream in their hearts – who is from happiness, who is from grief … incompatible with excess weight.

But can tennis be considered the main striking force in the battle for normal weight? How do tennis loads affect losing weight? What would you like to warn a complete tennis lover? Continue reading

School of sports and combat sambo

Sambo (“Self-Defense without Protection”), like some other types of wrestling, was developed in the USSR. November 16, 1938 is the official birthday of this sport. It all started with the release of the Order of the All-Union Committee on Physical Culture and Sports “On the development of the fight of the free style.” But much earlier, Spiridonov (specialization — methods of self-defense from boxing and national types of wrestling) and Oshchepkov (specialization — judo) developed independently from each other combat systems, which were combined into a single system, on the basis of which training in schools of the NKVD was built. Continue reading

Maya Plisetskaya
Maya Plisetskaya is a legendary ballerina whose grace is still fascinating. Her main secret of…


Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


It's no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth…
