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Pole dance (pole)

Pole dance (or pole dance) is a type of fitness that includes acrobatic and choreographic elements performed with a pole. By the way, a horizontal pole was used before, but as soon as it was placed in an upright position, the popularity of pole dancing increased dramatically.

There are many directions, each of which focuses on the individual components of the dance – performance, physical data, costume, musicality (transfer of mood of the composition), complexity of stunt elements, etc. Elements for performance at different heights are also divided. In the upper level of the pylon (from 2 m and above) – usually demonstrate acrobatic stunts. On average (1-2 m) – perform plastic elements and rotation around the pole. And the lower level is used for plastic and acrobatic elements with a pylon on the floor. It is important not only to distribute the tricks at all levels, but also to think about the relevant transitions between them so that the whole composition is spectacular and has a holistic appearance. Perhaps, it may seem to some that the rooms of the pole dance are rather light, but this is not so. Speakers must hold very slippery poles to perform very complex acrobatic elements. Professional representatives of this type of fitness have strong arms and press, as well as stretching, which some gymnasts could envy.

For role dance, use a solid metal pipe (diameter 42 mm). It is difficult to hold on for such a long time, therefore performers come up with a number of tricks – before the number the pole is carefully degreased with alcohol, and directly during the dance they use magnesia (powder or liquid), hairspray and specialized powders and ointments. In the famous Chinese circus acrobats generally perform on a pylon with a rubberized surface. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, many fitness centers have taken up the promotion of this direction. Such companies were X-Pole and Vertical Dance, which were founded in 2004 and 2006, respectively.

One of the records of the pole dance was even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, namely Alesia Vazmitsel (an Englishwoman of Belarusian origin) was able to keep the “Sword” position (splits upside down) for 1 minute and 25 seconds, this happened on the Italian equivalent of the show “Minute fame “in 2010.

In the world hire there are many films, in which there are spectacular scenes by Pole dance – “Rock for the Ages” (2012), “Striptease” (1996), “Dancing in the“ Blue Iguana ”(2000) and others.