Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other…

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Record Tournament Vladimir Dolganov
Young skiers of the Omsk region won 17 medals in the tournament of Vladimir Dolganov.…

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Ida go karting!
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Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.

How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly than the other, and the clothes are funny, and they writhe wonderfully, and scream in their hearts – who is from happiness, who is from grief … incompatible with excess weight.

But can tennis be considered the main striking force in the battle for normal weight? How do tennis loads affect losing weight? What would you like to warn a complete tennis lover?

First of all, I want to say: the fight against obesity with the help of tennis is faster and easier than without participation in this game. What has been said, however, does not mean that the fat man must go out against the discharger and try to hit at least one ball. Sharp movements, burdened with overweight and lived through decades – a direct path to injuries of muscles, ligaments, cartilage tissue.

Start training should be without fanaticism. It is quite enough at the initial stage just to knock the ball against the wall, ponabit his racket. The main criterion for the loyalty of the chosen load is the heart rate. Simply put, the pulse must be quickened, but this quickening should not cause discomfort and pain.

Accurately to dose the load associated and contributing to weight loss, should a doctor. The older the age, the greater the excess weight, the more necessary medical supervision. There are cases when excessive zeal in the struggle for harmony leads to irreversible consequences. Frequent and persistent health problems …

By following the recommendations of the doctor, competently limiting your own food, you can be sure: tennis courts are the right place to help you lose weight! Active tennis (losing weight a little, strengthening the muscles and ligaments with constant workouts, you will certainly move to an active game of tennis) – this is a great, very physiological aerobic exercise.

Tennis is not only good calories burned. The mode of our life is such that it is possible to make time for visiting the courts only in the evening. Meanwhile, it is noticed: after sports activities, the appetite never pesters a person. There is after a few sets, which led to the wet t-shirt from sweat, do not want to!

Catching up with tennis, trying to lose weight, remember: dehydration is dangerous! Carry a supply of water (clean, non-carbonated) and constantly fill the loss of moisture. That’s when tennis classes give you not only the pleasure of the game, but also the joy of finding a new figure.

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