Rule one: you must be a model of bodybuilding devotion. In order to squeeze the…

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Hockey, kids hockey
The hockey goalkeeper must have a lightning reaction, most often he has only half a…

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How to learn to play football
They say about football "the king of sports", "the game of millions", someone claims that…


Synchronized swimming
In synchronized swimming, Russian athletes are always at their best. Even at the Olympics in…


It's no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth…

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including children’s hockey


There is no big secret in the question of how to pump up the chest – in this case there are well-known, time-tested exercises – bench press and push-ups on bars. And we will not offer you any other revolutionary exercises. But do not rush to break away from the text, because even where everything seemed clear, there will always be important nuances, often not known even to the pros. Therefore, the goal of this article is to point out topical aspects of the performance of old and tested exercises.

Bench press

The “technical” bench press – in all variants, is one of the most effective and loved by many exercises, for pumping primarily the pectoral muscles. It is worth noting that it also gives a good load on the delta and triceps. Continue reading

Sport during pregnancy

Many future mothers, especially during the first pregnancy, behave as if carrying a child is a disease. Caution, of course, must be observed, but not overdo it. After all, for the upcoming birth, the body also needs to be prepared (in terms of physical tone).

During pregnancy, it is very useful to do water aerobics. Water limits the sharpness of movements, regulates body temperature and does not allow it to overheat. Also, you can do regular aerobics, naturally, being careful not to fall or hit. Continue reading

Equestrian sport and show jumping in particular.

Since the taming of the horse, she has become an indispensable helper for man. Thanks to her, it was more convenient and much easier to work, travel and participate in battles – people at all times treated the horse like a family member. Therefore, it is logical that equestrian sport has received such a wide development in almost all over the world.

Equestrian sport is a concept that unites various sports games of people on horseback. There are many varieties – dressage, show jumping, triathlon, driving, runs, vaulting and others. Continue reading