To believe this or not is up to you, but the fact remains that today…

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Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…

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Rule one: you must be a model of bodybuilding devotion. In order to squeeze the…


Wushu - sport and gymnastics.
One of the most ancient martial arts - wushu, will not only teach you to…


Tennis on the Internet
Compared to many Olympic sports, tennis is a relatively young sport. In the form in…

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distance can

We pull belly muscles

Often, even young women accumulate body fat on the abdomen. However, in general, a woman can be very slim. Very often the protruding abdomen is not an indicator of overweight. Many people forget that a flat stomach becomes so, not only because of the absence of excess fat, but also because of the good condition of the abdominal muscles.

Why do body fat accumulate on my stomach?

The abdomen is considered the most healthy and normal when the abdominal wall protrudes slightly, but the abdomen itself remains flat. If the muscles are flabby, untrained, then sooner or later the stomach sags, begins to bulge strongly. Continue reading


Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is the business of a lifetime, the work to which they have devoted themselves from beginning to end. The reasons may be different – the desire to prove the greatness of human capabilities, the struggle for their country, self-improvement, finally, just an incredible will to win. In this article we will talk about the most famous athletes on the planet.

Perhaps there is no other name in the world that would be so firmly associated with tremendous physical strength, like the name of Ivan Poddubny. This legendary weightlifter was born in Poltava region, in the small village of Krasionivka in 1871. Continue reading


Rule one: you must be a model of bodybuilding devotion.

In order to squeeze the result to the maximum at the end of each cycle, you must be 200% devoted to your favorite work – bodybuilding. Any outside interests will only bother you. The most difficult thing here is to find a reasonable balance between fanaticism and the interests of loved ones. After all, training is your own business. Your hobby should not “seize the age” of your neighbors.

Rule two: you need to work out in trainings as it should. Continue reading

Sport during pregnancy
Many future mothers, especially during the first pregnancy, behave as if carrying a child is…


90% of people love swimming, and the desire to be in great shape is surely…


School of sports and combat sambo
Sambo (“Self-Defense without Protection”), like some other types of wrestling, was developed in the USSR.…
