physical exertion
It’s no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth applies to everyone without exception, and especially to people with disabilities. Indeed, often the state and other people do not pay them enough attention. For many people with disabilities, playing sports is one of the few ways to show everyone that they are the same as us. In addition, it is the most powerful factor for their rehabilitation.
They tried to include people with disabilities in the 19th century. This year, the first club for people with poor hearing was created in Berlin. Already in August 1924 the first competitions were held. The national teams of the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Poland, France and Czechoslovakia participated in them. Continue reading
Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is the business of a lifetime, the work to which they have devoted themselves from beginning to end. The reasons may be different – the desire to prove the greatness of human capabilities, the struggle for their country, self-improvement, finally, just an incredible will to win. In this article we will talk about the most famous athletes on the planet.
Perhaps there is no other name in the world that would be so firmly associated with tremendous physical strength, like the name of Ivan Poddubny. This legendary weightlifter was born in Poltava region, in the small village of Krasionivka in 1871. Continue reading
There are quite a few warm days left, and many water lovers are in a hurry to find a suitable swimming pool for winter in their element
About the benefits of swimming
Swimming is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an excellent physical activity on almost all muscles of the body. The benefits of swimming are obvious. This is a complex aerobic exercise in which the muscles of the upper and lower body work. Therefore, depending on the combination of technology, speed and frequency of training, swimming can help both with weight loss, and with strengthening muscles and general body health. Continue reading