Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is…

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Rock climbing. Climbing walls and climbing schools
Man wanted to conquer nature at all times - rafting along the turbulent river flows,…

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It is no secret that before the title of the most favorite game of the…


To believe this or not is up to you, but the fact remains that today…


Many of us will say with confidence that over the years and centuries a person…

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can become

Interesting Sports Facts

Sport is a guarantee of health. It helps not to stand still and constantly progress. In the field of sports there are all new leaders who manage to beat the records of previous heroes, and amaze the world community. And it concerns both individual disciplines and team sports.

But few people know about the various curiosities and other interesting facts in the sports world. We decided to correct this injustice, and in the material below we give you some interesting information.

1. Figure skating originated in Holland. Iron skates were invented in this country approximately in the 13-14 century. It was this invention that prompted the locals to the exit to the ice, where they tried to depict various figures, while maintaining a beautiful pose.
Interesting Sports Facts Continue reading


Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is the business of a lifetime, the work to which they have devoted themselves from beginning to end. The reasons may be different – the desire to prove the greatness of human capabilities, the struggle for their country, self-improvement, finally, just an incredible will to win. In this article we will talk about the most famous athletes on the planet.

Perhaps there is no other name in the world that would be so firmly associated with tremendous physical strength, like the name of Ivan Poddubny. This legendary weightlifter was born in Poltava region, in the small village of Krasionivka in 1871. Continue reading

How to learn to play football

They say about football “the king of sports”, “the game of millions”, someone claims that football is not a matter of life and death, but much more important. Examples can be given a lot. But this game is not to talk, but to play it. Watching on TV with friends is also very good, though, then you will not get those emotions when you score a goal in nine. Almost everyone plays football. The company went on a picnic and took the ball, in the companies the men establish corporate relations, playing on Saturdays, kick the ball in the yard, etc. Continue reading

How to learn to play football
They say about football "the king of sports", "the game of millions", someone claims that…


Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


"Omsk Hawks" on New Year's Eve twice beat the house "Reactor"
On December 29-30, the Avangard youth team played on the home ice in the children's…
