"Omsk Hawks" on New Year's Eve twice beat the house "Reactor"
On December 29-30, the Avangard youth team played on the home ice in the children's…

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We pull belly muscles
Often, even young women accumulate body fat on the abdomen. However, in general, a woman…

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Sport during pregnancy
Many future mothers, especially during the first pregnancy, behave as if carrying a child is…


Tennis on the Internet
Compared to many Olympic sports, tennis is a relatively young sport. In the form in…


Hockey, kids hockey
The hockey goalkeeper must have a lightning reaction, most often he has only half a…

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can find exactly


In the understanding of some people, a healthy child should be plump. Greater attention is not given to excess weight: it is believed that when the child grows up and stretches, the fat will “go away”. In fact, it is not so at all.

The problem of excess weight

Currently, every fifth child is overweight. Blame for this – and not without reason – lack of activity and an abundance of “hazards.” And the weight, in turn, becomes the cause of the child’s passivity and unwillingness to go in for sports – the person is simply embarrassed by himself. Continue reading


It’s no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth applies to everyone without exception, and especially to people with disabilities. Indeed, often the state and other people do not pay them enough attention. For many people with disabilities, playing sports is one of the few ways to show everyone that they are the same as us. In addition, it is the most powerful factor for their rehabilitation.


They tried to include people with disabilities in the 19th century. This year, the first club for people with poor hearing was created in Berlin. Already in August 1924 the first competitions were held. The national teams of the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Poland, France and Czechoslovakia participated in them. Continue reading


One of the brightest and most popular events on the planet is the Olympic Games. Any athlete who has managed to take the podium at the Olympic competitions, receives the status of Olympic champion for life and his achievements remain in the world history of sports for centuries. Where and how did the Olympics originate and what is their story? Let’s try to make a brief insight into the history of the occurrence and holding of the Olympic Games.


The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece, where they were not only a sport but also a religious holiday. Continue reading

Horse polo
Equestrian polo is one of the most ancient sports. "Sport of Kings" - this is…


Wushu - sport and gymnastics.
One of the most ancient martial arts - wushu, will not only teach you to…


90% of people love swimming, and the desire to be in great shape is surely…
