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Sport during pregnancy

Many future mothers, especially during the first pregnancy, behave as if carrying a child is a disease. Caution, of course, must be observed, but not overdo it. After all, for the upcoming birth, the body also needs to be prepared (in terms of physical tone).

During pregnancy, it is very useful to do water aerobics. Water limits the sharpness of movements, regulates body temperature and does not allow it to overheat. Also, you can do regular aerobics, naturally, being careful not to fall or hit. Yoga classes will teach you to breathe correctly, which is very useful during childbirth. While jogging, you should be able to speak calmly – in this way, you will stick to the optimum speed. You need to run no more than one hour. If you get hot – stop, take a break. Riding a bike will also benefit, only the track needs to be chosen, mostly, even.

Compulsory sports during pregnancy are daily walks on foot (but just avoid the gassy streets of the city and direct sunlight during the warm season). Speed ​​and duration are selected as well as during the run. Another recommended sport for pregnant women is swimming. During class, use a tampon to prevent yourself from vaginal infections.

If before the beginning of pregnancy you were actively involved in any kind of sport – you can continue to practice up to 5 months of carrying a child, but in a more benign mode.

Sports such as windsurfing, skiing, skating, rollerblading, golf, badminton, tennis and the like are not recommended during pregnancy. But if a woman is actively, for a long time, engaged in one of the above types, and the pregnancy proceeds normally – classes can be continued (subject to increased caution).

But you need to forget about martial arts, skydiving, diving, volleyball, basketball, during pregnancy, no matter how well you own these sports. They are at increased risk even for women who are not pregnant. Moreover, in the period of carrying a child, you can do a lot of other types of physical activity that will help not only keep your body in good shape, but also relieve nervous tension.

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