Yoga - a cure for many diseases!
The first mentions of yoga in Indian culture appeared a long time ago, this science…

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Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.
How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly…

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Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


Interesting Sports Facts
Sport is a guarantee of health. It helps not to stand still and constantly progress.…


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of "lying on…

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special talent

How to learn to play football

They say about football “the king of sports”, “the game of millions”, someone claims that football is not a matter of life and death, but much more important. Examples can be given a lot. But this game is not to talk, but to play it. Watching on TV with friends is also very good, though, then you will not get those emotions when you score a goal in nine. Almost everyone plays football. The company went on a picnic and took the ball, in the companies the men establish corporate relations, playing on Saturdays, kick the ball in the yard, etc. Continue reading

Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…


We pull belly muscles
Often, even young women accumulate body fat on the abdomen. However, in general, a woman…


Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…
