Ida go karting!
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Rhythmic gymnastics for children and not only
Rhythmic gymnastics - is one of the most fascinating sports. The speakers of the girls…

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Interesting Sports Facts

Sport is a guarantee of health. It helps not to stand still and constantly progress. In the field of sports there are all new leaders who manage to beat the records of previous heroes, and amaze the world community. And it concerns both individual disciplines and team sports.

But few people know about the various curiosities and other interesting facts in the sports world. We decided to correct this injustice, and in the material below we give you some interesting information.

1. Figure skating originated in Holland. Iron skates were invented in this country approximately in the 13-14 century. It was this invention that prompted the locals to the exit to the ice, where they tried to depict various figures, while maintaining a beautiful pose.
Interesting Sports Facts

2. In 1912, at the Olympic Games in Stockholm, the participant of the marathon race from Japan, Kanaguri Face, overcame 29 kilometers strongly wanted to drink. He knocked on the door of the nearest house, and asked the owners to give some water. The owner of the house invited the athlete to the room, and went for a glass of water. But when he returned to the living room, he saw that the runner had fallen asleep to a heroic dream that lasted more than 24 hours. After 55 years, the athlete was offered to overcome the remaining distance, which is why his result was anti-record – 54 years, 8 months, 6 days 8 hours 32 minutes 20.3 seconds.

3. Classical wrestling cannot end in a draw, and in any of the fights there will be a winner.

4. According to statistics, players on average overcome 11 kilometers per match played. The average for a career can reach 300,000 kilometers and this is one of the reasons for such player fees, by the way, not only football players can earn money on football, but also fans, can help you with this. prognozy-na-sport / na-segodnya /, on which free sports forecasts from professionals are located.

5. After hitting the billiard ball, he picks up speed of 30 km / h in a split second. As a result of friction from the surface, the temperature regime can reach an indicator of 250 degrees.

6. Pilots of Formula 1 prefer not to give their own car 13 number. In the world championship it was used by only 5 riders. It is noteworthy that at this time this number decided to choose the athlete Pastor Maldonado. It’s his business, but it’s a pity that he didn’t succeed on the race track.

7. In the 19th century, the Americans invented an amazing game in which it was required to knock down 9 pins with a ball. As you could guess, this is a well-known bowling for us, overgrown with wide popularity in many countries of the world. After the invention, the game was banned by the authorities in some states, which forced the players to change the name and add 10 pins. This name was bowling.

8. At the third Olympic Games, held in St. Louis in 1904, the marathon runner from America traveled about 14 kilometers, after which he decided to cheat and get to the finish line by car. He got out of the car for only a park of kilometers to the finish line, and naturally came first. But his fraud was revealed, but only after the medals were awarded.

9. For the first time, a prototype of basketball originated in America, where local students began throwing the ball in a fruit basket. It was the bottom, and with each hit, the players took the stairs, and got the ball.

10. The speed of 268.83 km / h was recorded while moving on a bicycle Fred Rompelberg. He tied the bike to the car, and installed a windshield on it, which reduced the air resistance to a minimum.

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Bodybuilding and Aerobic
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