4 facts about running
1. The maximum-large prize fund was recorded in January of this year, the winner of…

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To believe this or not is up to you, but the fact remains that today…

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Many of us will say with confidence that over the years and centuries a person…


Pole dance (pole)
Pole dance (or pole dance) is a type of fitness that includes acrobatic and choreographic…


Bulgarian attacks (split squats) technique of execution
Bulgarian attacks or Bulgarian squats (hereinafter referred to as BV) is an exercise without which…

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makes sense to replace


There is no big secret in the question of how to pump up the chest – in this case there are well-known, time-tested exercises – bench press and push-ups on bars. And we will not offer you any other revolutionary exercises. But do not rush to break away from the text, because even where everything seemed clear, there will always be important nuances, often not known even to the pros. Therefore, the goal of this article is to point out topical aspects of the performance of old and tested exercises.

Bench press

The “technical” bench press – in all variants, is one of the most effective and loved by many exercises, for pumping primarily the pectoral muscles. It is worth noting that it also gives a good load on the delta and triceps. Continue reading

Curling is the only Olympic sport in which athletes wear different shoes - the sole…


4 facts about running
1. The maximum-large prize fund was recorded in January of this year, the winner of…


Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.
How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly…
