Interesting facts about bowling
Varieties of modern bowling first appeared several centuries ago. One of the most ancient premises…

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Rhythmic gymnastics for children and not only
Rhythmic gymnastics - is one of the most fascinating sports. The speakers of the girls…

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Rhythmic gymnastics for children and not only
Rhythmic gymnastics - is one of the most fascinating sports. The speakers of the girls…


Bobsleigh is one of the winter Olympic (since 1924) sports, the aim of which is…


Bulgarian attacks (split squats) technique of execution
Bulgarian attacks or Bulgarian squats (hereinafter referred to as BV) is an exercise without which…

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take the child


In the understanding of some people, a healthy child should be plump. Greater attention is not given to excess weight: it is believed that when the child grows up and stretches, the fat will “go away”. In fact, it is not so at all.

The problem of excess weight

Currently, every fifth child is overweight. Blame for this – and not without reason – lack of activity and an abundance of “hazards.” And the weight, in turn, becomes the cause of the child’s passivity and unwillingness to go in for sports – the person is simply embarrassed by himself. Continue reading

Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.
How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly…


Diving - essentials
So, after weighing all the pros and cons, it was made a clear decision to…


Minigolf: what is it and how is it interesting
Mini golf game for Russia is new, unfamiliar and unusual. What is the difference between…
