Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is…

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Bobsleigh is one of the winter Olympic (since 1924) sports, the aim of which is…

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Synchronized swimming
In synchronized swimming, Russian athletes are always at their best. Even at the Olympics in…


Interesting Sports Facts
Sport is a guarantee of health. It helps not to stand still and constantly progress.…


It's no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth…

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basis of which training

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Yoga – a cure for many diseases!

The first mentions of yoga in Indian culture appeared a long time ago, this science has been known to man for thousands of years. Great Yoga Teachers claim that the mystery of the birth of this science is revealed only to the wise men of yoga.

The first yogis understood human nature well and knew how to achieve harmony of body and soul. Yogis believed that man is driven by emotions, mind and vital activity. In order to achieve complete harmony, it is necessary to bring all these forces into balance, namely the balance of the psyche and the body of a person is embodied by yoga. Continue reading

4 facts about running

1. The maximum-large prize fund was recorded in January of this year, the winner of the marathon received as much as $ 2 million. The most famous marathon is held in New York every year the first Sunday of November. This marathon started the first time 41 years ago, one hundred and twenty-seven marathon participants participated then. Some time later, when marathons had already gained mass popularity, the race organizers made a limit on the number of participants to 40 thousand people. But in 2010 the organizers had to make concessions and allow 43 thousand people to run. most have to stand in line for year after year to take part in this marathon. Continue reading

Tennis lessons help to find a graceful figure.

How many cartoons or draw on tennis players! And one hand is developed more strongly than the other, and the clothes are funny, and they writhe wonderfully, and scream in their hearts – who is from happiness, who is from grief … incompatible with excess weight.

But can tennis be considered the main striking force in the battle for normal weight? How do tennis loads affect losing weight? What would you like to warn a complete tennis lover? Continue reading

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