How to learn to play football
They say about football "the king of sports", "the game of millions", someone claims that…

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There are quite a few warm days left, and many water lovers are in a…

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We pull belly muscles
Often, even young women accumulate body fat on the abdomen. However, in general, a woman…


Minigolf: what is it and how is it interesting
Mini golf game for Russia is new, unfamiliar and unusual. What is the difference between…


To believe this or not is up to you, but the fact remains that today…

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expressed their assumptions

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Interesting facts about bowling

Varieties of modern bowling first appeared several centuries ago. One of the most ancient premises in which large-scale competitions in ancient bowling were held was discovered by scientists in Cairo a couple of years ago. This building was built about 4,000 years ago. And the most ancient of the current is the arena, located in Southampton (England).

They opened it back in 1299. For a long time, the English kings disdained the entertainment presented, since it distracted men from significant activities, for example, hunting or archery. Today, in large shopping centers, bowling is an integral part, for example, in Krasnodar, in the SBS Megamall shopping center, one of the best bowling centers in the city works, more about it on the website. Continue reading


It is no secret that before the title of the most favorite game of the country to domestic basketball still walk and walk. Unlike, for example, the United States, where basketball games attract millions of men and women of all ages, we are at the very beginning of this journey. However, to achieve such a result is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Basketball promotion: arguments FOR

Today, many skeptics not only doubt that the popularization of the game of basketball in our country can be effective, but they also do not see expediency in the development of this sports movement: they say, there is more than enough football. Continue reading


Many of us will say with confidence that over the years and centuries a person is becoming higher. However, having traced the stages of evolution, it can be noted that man did not always grow. The acceleration stages lasted for an average of 500-600 years, and then suddenly people became smaller again. Archaeological excavations have repeatedly shown that at different times a person could reach height from a meter with trifles to two or more meters. Moreover, these stages were not lined up chronologically, but, on the contrary, were random.

One of the main factors shaping growth is environmental conditions in a given period. Continue reading

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Horse polo
Equestrian polo is one of the most ancient sports. "Sport of Kings" - this is…


Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…


One of the brightest and most popular events on the planet is the Olympic Games.…
