“In aikido, we don’t rely on weapons or brute force to achieve a goal, instead…

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Minigolf: what is it and how is it interesting
Mini golf game for Russia is new, unfamiliar and unusual. What is the difference between…

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90% of people love swimming, and the desire to be in great shape is surely…


Yoga - a cure for many diseases!
The first mentions of yoga in Indian culture appeared a long time ago, this science…


We pull belly muscles
Often, even young women accumulate body fat on the abdomen. However, in general, a woman…

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also increases pressure


Deadlift – one of the most important basic exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting


The deadlift is a complex, multi-articular exercise, in which more muscles take part than in any other strength exercise, which perfectly develops the strength and muscles of the whole body.

It is the deadlift, along with squats, referred to as accelerating metabolism exercises, thereby improving the ability of muscles to grow.

Technique of deadlift Continue reading