Maya Plisetskaya
Maya Plisetskaya is a legendary ballerina whose grace is still fascinating. Her main secret of…

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Rock climbing. Climbing walls and climbing schools
Man wanted to conquer nature at all times - rafting along the turbulent river flows,…

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Curling is the only Olympic sport in which athletes wear different shoes - the sole…


Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other…


Motivational problems. What happens to Kaisheva?
Vitaliy Noritsyn, the senior coach of the Russian women's national team, actually accused Ulyana Kaisheva,…

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competitions in jumping


To believe this or not is up to you, but the fact remains that today millions of people around the world are engaged in callanetics.

So what is callanetics?

Callanetics is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening and stretching the muscles of the whole body. Callanetics was developed by an American Callan Pinkney in the early 80s of the last century. The story of her appearance is quite simple and straightforward: after completing her career as a ballet dancer, Callan eventually gained serious weight, and besides her back pain began to torment her. Continue reading


Yesterday, fitball or ball exercises were perceived as exotic, and today it has become one of the most popular types of aerobics.

Such popularity is easily explained by a number of reasons, including ease of development, the absence of specific contraindications, and at the same time, the fascination and high health-improving efficiency of this area of ​​aerobics. But let’s learn about everything in more detail.

What it is?

Fitball aerobics is one of the areas of aerobics, where elastic balls of various sizes act as the main projectile for performing exercises. Continue reading

Bulgarian attacks (split squats) technique of execution

Bulgarian attacks or Bulgarian squats (hereinafter referred to as BV) is an exercise without which the formation of slender and taut legs and buttocks is impossible. At first glance, the technique of performing Bulgarian attacks does not seem complicated. It’s a delusion! Perform this exercise is recommended for athletes with a certain level of training. In this article we will focus on all the features of the exercise and its benefits.

General characteristics of the Bulgarian attacks
Due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, the legs and hips in the weaker sex are more likely (compared to men) to be a problem area. It is in this area that cellulite and fat deposits are active. Continue reading

How to learn to play football
They say about football "the king of sports", "the game of millions", someone claims that…


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of "lying on…


Bobsleigh is one of the winter Olympic (since 1924) sports, the aim of which is…
